Source: videoHandler.js

var THREE = require('three');

 * Provide basic functionality to display video as texture.
 * VideoTexture is used for creating and updating a video projected onto a Three.js texture
 * @class
 * @param {Object} containerIn - Container to create the renderer on.
 * @author Alan Wu
 * @return {VideoHandler}
exports.VideoHandler = function(srcIn)  {

	var _this = this; = undefined;
	this.videoTexture = undefined;
	var src = srcIn;
	var lastTime = 0;
	var lastUpdate = 0;
	var frameRate = 30;
	var videoPlaneLoadedFlag = false;
	var lastPlayPos    = 0;
	var currentPlayPos = 0;
	var bufferingDetected = false;
	var checkBuffering = function(delta, playAnimation) {
	    currentPlayPos =;

	    // checking offset should be at most the check interval
	    // but allow for some margin
	    var offset = delta - 0.02;

	    // if no buffering is currently detected,
	    // and the position does not seem to increase
	    // and the isn't manually paused...
	    if (!bufferingDetected && (currentPlayPos < (lastPlayPos + offset)) &&
	    		! {
	        bufferingDetected = true;

	    // if we were buffering but the has advanced,
	    // then there is no buffering
	    if (bufferingDetected && (currentPlayPos > (lastPlayPos + offset)) &&
	    		! {
	        bufferingDetected = false;
	    lastPlayPos = currentPlayPos;

	var initialise = function(){
		if (document) { = document.createElement( 'video' ); = "anonymous"; = src;; = true;

	this.setMorphTime = function(time, duration){
		var actualTime = time / duration *; = actualTime;

	// videoPlaneLoaded connects the video to the video texture once it has loaded
	 this.getVideoDuration = function() {

	this.createCanvasVideoTexture = function(){
		_this.videoTexture = new THREE.VideoTexture( );
		_this.videoTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
		_this.videoTexture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
		_this.videoTexture.format = THREE.RGBFormat; = 0;
		return _this.videoTexture;
	this.getCurrentTime = function(duration) {
		if (
			return duration * ( /;
			return 0;

	this.isReadyToPlay = function(){
		// video.readyState 3 means we have data to load for the current time and foreseeable future
		if ( && >= 3){
			return true;
		return false;
	//this should be handle by scene... check the sync at 
