const THREE = require('three');
const createBufferGeometry = require('../utilities').createBufferGeometry;
const resolveURL = require('../utilities').resolveURL;
let uniqueiId = 0;
const getUniqueId = function () {
return "pr" + uniqueiId++;
* Provides the base object for other primitive types.
* This class contains multiple base methods.
* @class
* @author Alan Wu
* @return {ZincObject}
const ZincObject = function() {
this.isZincObject = true;
this.geometry = undefined;
// THREE.Mesh
this.morph = undefined; = new THREE.Group();
this._lod = new (require("./lod").LOD)(this);
* Groupname given to this geometry.
this.groupName = undefined;
this.timeEnabled = false;
this.morphColour = false;
this.inbuildTime = 0;
this.mixer = undefined;
this.animationGroup = undefined;
* Total duration of the animation, this value interacts with the
* {@link Renderer#playRate} to produce the actual duration of the
* animation. Actual time in second = duration / playRate.
this.duration = 6000;
this.clipAction = undefined;
this.userData = {};
this.videoHandler = undefined;
this.marker = undefined;
this.markerNumber = undefined;
this.markerUpdateRequired = true;
this.closestVertexIndex = -1;
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
this.cachedBoundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
this.anatomicalId = undefined;
this.region = undefined;
this.animationClip = undefined;
this.markerMode = "inherited";
this.uuid = getUniqueId();
this._v1 = new THREE.Vector3();
this._v2 = new THREE.Vector3();
this._b1 = new THREE.Box3(); = new THREE.Vector3();
this.radius = 0;
this.visible = true;
//Draw range is only used by primitives added
//programatically with addVertices function
this.drawRange = -1;
* Set the duration of the animation of this object.
* @param {Number} durationIn - Duration of the animation.
ZincObject.prototype.setDuration = function(durationIn) {
this.duration = durationIn;
if (this.clipAction) {
* Get the duration of the animation of this object.
* @return {Number}
ZincObject.prototype.getDuration = function() {
return this.duration;
* Set the region this object belongs to.
* @param {Region} region
ZincObject.prototype.setRegion = function(region) {
this.region = region;
* Get the region this object belongs to.
* @return {Region}
ZincObject.prototype.getRegion = function() {
return this.region;
* Get the threejs object3D.
* @return {Object}
ZincObject.prototype.getMorph = function() {
const morph = this._lod.getCurrentMorph();
return morph ? morph : this.morph;
* Get the threejs object3D.
* @return {Object}
ZincObject.prototype.getGroup = function() {
* Set the internal threejs object3D.
ZincObject.prototype.setMorph = function(mesh) {
this.morph = mesh;;
//this is the base level object
const distance = this._lod.calculateDistance("far");
this._lod.addLevel(mesh, distance);
* Handle transparent mesh, create a clone for backside rendering if it is
* transparent.
ZincObject.prototype.checkTransparentMesh = function() {
* Set the mesh function for zincObject.
* @param {THREE.Mesh} mesh - Mesh to be set for this zinc object.
* @param {Boolean} localTimeEnabled - A flag to indicate either the mesh is
* time dependent.
* @param {Boolean} localMorphColour - A flag to indicate either the colour is
* time dependent.
ZincObject.prototype.setMesh = function(mesh, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour) {
//Note: we assume all layers are consistent with time frame
//Thus adding them to the same animation group should work.
//This step is only required for the primary (level 0) mesh.
this.animationGroup = new THREE.AnimationObjectGroup(mesh);
this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(this.animationGroup);
const geometry = mesh.geometry;
this.geometry = mesh.geometry;
this.clipAction = undefined;
if (geometry && geometry.morphAttributes) {
let morphAttribute = geometry.morphAttributes.position;
if (!morphAttribute) {
morphAttribute = geometry.morphAttributes.color ?
geometry.morphAttributes.color :
if (morphAttribute) {
this.animationClip = THREE.AnimationClip.CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences(
morphAttribute, 10, true);
if (this.animationClip && (this.animationClip[0] != undefined)) {
this.clipAction = this.mixer.clipAction(this.animationClip[0]).setDuration(
this.clipAction.loop = THREE.loopOnce;
this.clipAction.clampWhenFinished = true;;
this.timeEnabled = localTimeEnabled;
this.morphColour = localMorphColour;
mesh.userData = this;
mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
if (this.timeEnabled) {
} else {
if (this.morphColour) {
geometry.setAttribute('morphTarget0', geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ) );
geometry.setAttribute('morphTarget1', geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ) );
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
* Set the name for this ZincObject.
* @param {String} groupNameIn - Name to be set.
ZincObject.prototype.setName = function(groupNameIn) {
this.groupName = groupNameIn;
* Get the local time of this geometry, it returns a value between
* 0 and the duration.
* @return {Number}
ZincObject.prototype.getCurrentTime = function() {
if (this.clipAction) {
const ratio = this.clipAction.time / this.clipAction._clip.duration;
return this.duration * ratio;
} else {
return this.inbuildTime;
* Set the local time of this geometry.
* @param {Number} time - Can be any value between 0 to duration.
ZincObject.prototype.setMorphTime = function(time) {
let timeChanged = false;
if (this.clipAction) {
const ratio = time / this.duration;
const actualDuration = this.clipAction._clip.duration;
let newTime = ratio * actualDuration;
if (newTime != this.clipAction.time) {
this.clipAction.time = newTime;
timeChanged = true;
if (timeChanged && this.isTimeVarying()) {
this.mixer.update( 0.0 );
} else {
let newTime = time;
if (time > this.duration)
newTime = this.duration;
else if (0 > time)
newTime = 0;
newTime = time;
if (newTime != this.inbuildTime) {
this.inbuildTime = newTime;
timeChanged = true;
if (timeChanged) {
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
if (this.timeEnabled)
this.markerUpdateRequired = true;
* Check if the geometry is time varying.
* @return {Boolean}
ZincObject.prototype.isTimeVarying = function() {
if (this.timeEnabled || this.morphColour)
return true;
return false;
* Get the visibility of this Geometry.
ZincObject.prototype.getVisibility = function() {
return this.visible;
* Set the visibility of this Geometry.
* @param {Boolean} visible - a boolean flag indicate the visibility to be set
ZincObject.prototype.setVisibility = function(visible) {
if (visible !== this.visible) {
this.visible = visible; = visible;
if (this.region) this.region.pickableUpdateRequired = true;
* Set the opacity of this Geometry. This function will also set the isTransparent
* flag according to the provided alpha value.
* @param {Number} alpah - Alpha value to set for this geometry,
* can be any value between from 0 to 1.0.
ZincObject.prototype.setAlpha = function(alpha) {
const material = this._lod._material;
let isTransparent = false;
if (alpha < 1.0)
isTransparent = true;
material.opacity = alpha;
material.transparent = isTransparent;
* The rendering will be culled if it is outside of the frustrum
* when this flag is set to true, it should be set to false if
* morphing is enabled.
* @param {Boolean} flag - Set frustrum culling on/off based on this flag.
ZincObject.prototype.setFrustumCulled = function(flag) {
//multilayers - set for all layers
* Set rather a zinc object should be displayed using per vertex colour or
* not.
* @param {Boolean} vertexColors - Set display with vertex color on/off.
ZincObject.prototype.setVertexColors = function(vertexColors) {
//multilayers - set for all
* Get the colour of the mesh.
* @return {THREE.Color}
ZincObject.prototype.getColour = function() {
if (this._lod._material)
return this._lod._material.color;
return undefined;
* Set the colour of the mesh.
* @param {THREE.Color} colour - Colour to be set for this geometry.
ZincObject.prototype.setColour = function(colour) {
* Get the colour of the mesh in hex string form.
* @return {String}
ZincObject.prototype.getColourHex = function() {
if (!this.morphColour) {
if (this._lod._material && this._lod._material.color)
return this._lod._material.color.getHexString();
return undefined;
* Set the colour of the mesh using hex in string form.
* @param {String} hex - The colour value in hex form.
ZincObject.prototype.setColourHex = function(hex) {
if (this._lod._secondaryMaterial) {
* Set the emissive rgb of the mesh using rgb.
* @param {String} colour - The colour value in rgb form.
ZincObject.prototype.setEmissiveRGB = function(colour) {
if (this._lod._material && this._lod._material.emissive) {
if (this._lod._secondaryMaterial) {
* Set the material of the geometry.
* @param {THREE.Material} material - Material to be set for this geometry.
ZincObject.prototype.setMaterial = function(material) {
* Get the index of the closest vertex to centroid.
* @return {Number} - integer index in the array
ZincObject.prototype.getClosestVertexIndex = function() {
let closestIndex = -1;
const morph = this.getMorph();
if (morph && morph.geoemtry) {
let position = morph.geometry.attributes.position;
if (position) {
let distance = -1;
let currentDistance = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < position.count; i++) {
this._v2.fromArray(position.array, i * 3);
currentDistance = this._v2.distanceTo(this._v1);
if (distance == -1)
distance = currentDistance;
else if (distance > (currentDistance)) {
distance = currentDistance;
closestIndex = i;
return closestIndex;
* Get the closest vertex to centroid.
* @return {THREE.Vector3}
ZincObject.prototype.getClosestVertex = function(applyMatrixWorld) {
let position = new THREE.Vector3();
if (this.closestVertexIndex == -1) {
this.closestVertexIndex = this.getClosestVertexIndex();
const morph = this.getMorph();
if (morph && morph.geometry && this.closestVertexIndex >= 0) {
let influences = morph.morphTargetInfluences;
let attributes = morph.geometry.morphAttributes;
if (influences && attributes && attributes.position) {
let found = false;
for (let i = 0; i < influences.length; i++) {
if (influences[i] > 0) {
found = true;
attributes.position[i].array, this.closestVertexIndex * 3);
if (found) {
return applyMatrixWorld ? position.applyMatrix4(morph.matrixWorld) : position;
} else {
this.closestVertexIndex * 3);
return applyMatrixWorld ? position.applyMatrix4(morph.matrixWorld) : position;
return applyMatrixWorld ? position.applyMatrix4(this.morph.matrixWorld) : position;
* Get the bounding box of this geometry.
* @return {THREE.Box3}.
ZincObject.prototype.getBoundingBox = function() {
if (this.visible) {
let morph = this._lod.getCurrentMorph();
if (morph && morph.visible) {
if (this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired) {
require("../utilities").getBoundingBox(morph, this.cachedBoundingBox,
this._b1, this._v1, this._v2);
this.radius =;
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = false;
return this.cachedBoundingBox;
return undefined;
* Clear this geometry and free the memory.
ZincObject.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.animationGroup = undefined;
this.mixer = undefined;
this.morph = undefined; = undefined;
this.clipAction = undefined;
this.groupName = undefined;
* Check if marker is enabled based on the objects settings with
* the provided scene options.
* @return {Boolean}
ZincObject.prototype.markerIsRequired = function(options) {
if (this.visible &&
(this.markerMode === "on" || (options && options.displayMarkers &&
(this.markerMode === "inherited")))) {
return true;
return false;
* Update the marker's position and size based on current viewport.
ZincObject.prototype.updateMarker = function(playAnimation, options) {
if ((playAnimation == false) &&
let ndcToBeUpdated = options.ndcToBeUpdated;
if (this.groupName) {
if (!this.marker) {
this.marker = new (require("./marker").Marker)(this);
this.markerUpdateRequired = true;
if (this.markerUpdateRequired) {
let position = this.getClosestVertex(false);
if (position) {
this.marker.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z);
this.markerUpdateRequired = false;
if (!this.marker.isEnabled()) {
if (options.markersList &&
(!(this.marker.uuid in options.markersList))) {
ndcToBeUpdated = true;
options.markersList[this.marker.uuid] = this.marker;
if (this.markerImgURL) {
} else {
if (options && && (ndcToBeUpdated ||
options.markerCluster.markerUpdateRequired)) {
options.markerCluster.markerUpdateRequired = true;
} else {
if (this.marker && this.marker.isEnabled()) {
if (options.markersList &&
(this.marker.uuid in options.markersList)) {
options.markerCluster.markerUpdateRequired = true;
delete options.markersList[this.marker.uuid];
this.markerUpdateRequired = true;
ZincObject.prototype.processMarkerVisual = function(min, max) {
if (this.marker && this.marker.isEnabled()) {
this.marker.updateVisual(min, max);
ZincObject.prototype.initiateMorphColor = function() {
//Multilayers - set all
if (this.morphColour == 1) {
ZincObject.prototype.setRenderOrder = function(renderOrder) {
* Get the windows coordinates.
* @return {Object} - position and rather the closest vertex is on screen.
ZincObject.prototype.getClosestVertexDOMElementCoords = function(scene) {
if (scene && {
let inView = true;
const position = this.getClosestVertex(true);
position.z = Math.min(Math.max(position.z, 0), 1);
if (position.x > 1 || position.x < -1 || position.y > 1 || position.y < -1) {
inView = false;
scene.getZincCameraControls().getRelativeCoordsFromNDC(position.x, position.y, position);
return {position, inView};
} else {
return undefined;
* Set marker mode for this zinc object which determine rather the
* markers should be displayed or not.
* @param {string} mode - There are three options:
* "on" - marker is enabled regardless of settings of scene
* "off" - marker is disabled regardless of settings of scene
* "inherited" - Marker settings on scene will determine the visibility
* of the marker.
* @return {Boolean}
ZincObject.prototype.setMarkerMode = function(mode, options) {
if (mode !== this.markerMode) {
if (mode === "on" || mode === "off") {
this.markerMode = mode;
} else {
this.markerMode = "inherited";
if (this.region) {
this.region.pickableUpdateRequired = true;
if (options) {
this.markerNumber = options.number;
this.markerImgURL = options.imgURL;
//Update the geometry and colours depending on the morph.
ZincObject.prototype.render = function(delta, playAnimation,
cameraControls, options) {
if (this.visible && !(this.timeEnabled && playAnimation)) {
if (playAnimation == true)
if ((this.clipAction) && this.isTimeVarying()) {
this.mixer.update( delta );
else {
let targetTime = this.inbuildTime + delta;
if (targetTime > this.duration)
targetTime = targetTime - this.duration;
this.inbuildTime = targetTime;
if (this.visible && delta != 0) {
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
if (this.morphColour == 1) {
this.updateMarker(playAnimation, options);
* Add lod from an url into the lod object.
ZincObject.prototype.addLOD = function(loader, level, url, index, preload) {
this._lod.addLevelFromURL(loader, level, url, index, preload);
* Add lod from an url into the lod object.
ZincObject.prototype.addVertices = function(coords) {
let mesh = this.getMorph();
let geometry = undefined;
if (!mesh) {
geometry = createBufferGeometry(500, coords);
this.drawRange = coords.length;
} else {
if (this.drawRange > -1) {
const positionAttribute = mesh.geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );
coords.forEach(coord => {
positionAttribute.setXYZ(this.drawRange, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2])
positionAttribute.needsUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.setDrawRange(0, this.drawRange);
geometry = mesh.geoemtry;
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
return geometry;
* Set the objects position.
ZincObject.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y, z) {
const group = this.getGroup();
if (group) {
group.position.set(x, y, z);
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
ZincObject.prototype.loadAdditionalSources = function(primitivesLoader, sources) {
primitivesLoader.load(resolveURL(filename), meshloader(region, colour, opacity, localTimeEnabled, localMorphColour, undefined, undefined,
undefined, undefined, finishCallback), this.onProgress(filename), this.onError(finishCallback));
* Set the objects scale.
ZincObject.prototype.setScaleAll = function(scale) {
const group = this.getGroup();
if (group) {
group.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
this.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true;
exports.ZincObject = ZincObject;