* Used for viewing cell model. This currently contains an image.
* @param {String} PanelName - Id of the target element to create the {@link PJP.CellPanel} on.
* @class
* @author Alan Wu
* @returns {PJP.CellPanel}
PJP.CellPanel = function(PanelName) {
//dat.gui container for cellGui
var cellGui = undefined;
var otherCellControls = undefined;
var _this = this;
var cellControl = function() {
this.Background = [ 255, 255, 255 ]; // RGB array
* Display cell model image in the {@link PJP.CellPanel}.
this.openCell = function() {
document.getElementById("imageContainer").style.visibility = "visible";
* Hide cell model image in the {@link PJP.CellPanel}.
var hideCell = function() {
document.getElementById("imageContainer").style.visibility = "hidden";
* Set the title string for {@link PJP.CellPanel}.
* @param {String} text - Cell panel title to be set.
this.setCellPanelTitle = function(text) {
var titleDisplay = document.getElementById('CellTitle');
titleDisplay.innerHTML = text;
var resetCellTitle = function() {
var titleDisplay = document.getElementById('CellTitle');
titleDisplay.innerHTML = "<strong>Cell<span style='color:#FF4444'>";
* Reset the title of cell panel.
this.resetCellPanel = function() {
var cellBackGroundChanged = function() {
return function(value) {
var redValue = parseInt(value[0]);
var greenValue = parseInt(value[1]);
var blueValue = parseInt(value[2]);
var backgroundColourString = 'rgb(' + redValue + ',' + greenValue + ',' + blueValue + ')';
document.getElementById("cellDisplayPort").style.backgroundColor = backgroundColourString;
* Initialise loading of the page, this is called when
* the {@link PJP.CellPanel} is created.
* @async
var initialiseCellPanel = function() {
cellGui = new dat.GUI({autoPlace: false});
cellGui.domElement.id = 'gui';
var control = new cellControl();
var controller = cellGui.addColor(control, 'Background');
otherCellControls = cellGui.addFolder('Others');
var customContainer = document.getElementById("cellGui").append(cellGui.domElement);
var loadHTMLComplete = function(link) {
return function(event) {
var localDOM = document.getElementById(PanelName);
var childNodes = null;
if (link.import.body !== undefined)
childNodes = link.import.body.childNodes;
else if (link.childNodes !== undefined)
childNodes = link.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
UIIsReady = true;
var initialise = function() {
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'import';
link.href = 'snippets/cellPanel.html';
link.onload = loadHTMLComplete(link);
link.onerror = loadHTMLComplete(link);