.. PJP documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Mar 13 15:16:07 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================================= Physiome Journal Portal (PJP) Prototype Version 1 ================================================= Welcome to the user documentation of Physiome Journal Portal Prototye v1. This document will give an overview of the components, how users may interact with each component and the interactions between each component. You may also find API Documentation. Overview ======== The ultimate goal for Physiome Journal Portal (PJP) is to provide a platform for researchers to view and interact with multiscale physiological models from organism level to molecular level for different species. Users may view and interact with different organs, view the cells models and even run simulations. Please note that prototype version 1 of PJP is created to test functionalities and it is not polished to give the best UI and UX for this time being. UI and UX will be enhanced in version 2 and beyond. You can find the :ref:`apidoc` and :ref:`userdoc` in this documentation. .. _apidoc: API Documentation ================= For API documentations, please click `here `_. .. _userdoc: User Documentation ================== For User documentations, please go to :ref:`layout`. Physiome Journal Portal ======================= `Physiome Journal Portal test site `_. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`search`