.. _bodyviewer: Body Viewer =========== The main function for the Body Viewer is to view geometry data for each system/organ. .. figure:: img/body1.png :width: 100 % :alt: Expanded view of the Body Viewer Expanded view of the Body Viewer: 1) :ref:`specieschooser` 2) :ref:`bodygui` 3) :ref:`systemtoggle` 4) :ref:`bodyrenderer` .. _specieschooser: Species Chooser --------------- This determines the species to be viewed on the portal, only "Human" is supported at this moment. .. _bodygui: Body Control GUI ---------------- Individual visibility settings for each organ/part can be toggled using this interface. .. figure:: img/body2.png :width: 25 % :align: center :alt: Expanded view of the Body Viewer Expanded Body Control GUI, individual visibility settings can be toggled by clicking on the tickbox next each organ/part name. Beside changing visibility of different organs/parts, basic settings that are shared between different organs/parts can be set using this controls such as background colour. The GUI itself can be expanded/collapsed by pressing on the "Open Controls" and "Close Controls" buttons respectively. .. _systemtoggle: Body System Toggle ------------------ Clicking on these buttons toggles the visibility of all parts/organs of a system on/off. .. _bodyrenderer: Body Renderer ------------- Users can zoom in/out, pan and rotate the geometry data. Name of the part/organ is displayed when a cursor hovers over it. When a organ/part is clicked, a corresponding model will be opened on the :ref:`organviewer`.